U.S.D. #338 Valley Falls
Board of Education Special Meeting
July 8, 2024
5:30 P.M.

Unofficial Minutes


The meeting was called to order by President, Donny Smith, at 6:40 P.M. in the Library.

Members Present:
Donny Smith, Aaron Sprang, Jesica Clark, Kimberly Kirkham, and Jami Heinen.

Members Absent: 
Caleb Clark and Jesse Nickelson

Staff Present:
John Hamon and Dayna Lloyd

Visitors Present:

Motion by Kimberly Kirkham, second by Jesica Clark to approve the Agenda as

Yes 5 No 0



a.   Approved Board of Education Minutes from June 10, 2024 and June 17, 2024.

b.   Approved Treasurer’s report and warrants.
c.   Received Keystone’s Board Meeting Minutes.  
d.   Site Council did not have a meeting.
e.    Received Recreation Commission meeting minutes.
f.    Approved the destruction of 2018-2019 old records.
g.   Approved resignations from Amanda Vanderharr as Elementary Aide and MS Head Track Coach and Jamie Kester as Elementary Art Aide.
h.   Approved hiring Lori Peterson as HS Scholars Bowl and Dylan Cerventaz as HS Assistant Football pending number of football players.
i.    There were no Principal Reports.
j.    Appointments and Designations.
i. Approve the designation of Dayna Lloyd as Clerk of the Board. 
ii. Approve the designation of Brenda Lloyd as Deputy Clerk of the Board
    iii. Approve the designation of Linda Gantz as District Treasurer.
iv. Approve the Valley Falls School District Organizational Chart.
      v. Approve the appointment of John Hamon as Food Service Representative.
vi. Approve the appointment of John Hamon as Hearing Officer for Free and Reduced Price Meal Application Appeals.
  vii. Approve the appointment of Linda Gantz as Freedom of Information Officer.
  viii. Approve the appointment of John Hamon as the Compliance Coordinator for Federal Programs.
ix. Approve the designation of Dayna Lloyd as the KPERS Representative
  x. Approve to establish the mileage rate for reimbursement of private vehicles at .67 cents per mile.
xi. Approve to establish petty cash limits as follows:  Pre K-8 is $500.00; high school is $1000.00; central office is $700.00.
xii. Approve to establish the high school athletic start-up is $10,000.00; and middle school athletic start-up is $8,000.00.
  xiii. Approve to adopt guidelines for activity funds and all school and gate receipts as follows:  each school secretary, clerk and treasurer will have

a security bond; the Superintendent will sign all activity fund purchase orders; no reimbursements will be made to staff without a proper
receipt; and all funds should be deposited at least once weekly.
  xiv. Approve the appointment of Susan Grey as the official activity funds for the Elementary and Greg Morgan for the High School.
    xv. Approve Kendall Bank as the official depository for the school district funds.
  xvi. Approve the authorization of early payment of bills – approval of consent agenda will continue to allow the Board Clerk to pay bills early which

would result in a late fee if not paid; and/or would result in a discount.
  xvii. Adopt the 1,116 hour calendar.
xviii. Approve to designate Susan Grey, Elementary and Greg Morgan, High  School, as the truancy officers for the 2024-25 school year. 
  xix. Approve to designate the Valley Falls Vindicator as the Official newspaper for school notices. 
    xx. Approve to designate John Hamon as the compliance coordinator for Federal Anti-Discrimination Laws Including Title VI, Title VII, Title IX,

and Section 504 (ADA).
    xxi. Approve to designate Susan Grey as the coordinator for the homeless children.
  xxii. Approve the insurance companies for 2024-25 school year as follows:
Student Insurance - First Agency; KSHSAA catastrophe insurance; KASB Workers’ Compensation Insurance.                            
  xxiii. Approve Susan Grey and Greg Morgan as the District Hearing Officers.

k.        Approve to accept the Schools for Quality Education as received.

l.        Adopt Resolution Waiver for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as presented.

m.   Approve the Board Meeting Dates for 2024-25 will be the 2nd Monday of each month.

Motion by Aaron Sprang, second by Jesica Clark to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Yes 5 No 0


  1. There weren't any good news items reported this month.

  2. The Board received a thank you card from Rod Bunde.

  3. The Board received the Superintendent’s Report from Mr. Hamon including: 
    Budget update including transfers from the 23-24 school year. Negotiations. Recreation Commission donation of shade structures for the

    playground, new volleyball net, shot clock in West Gym and East Gym wall mats.  Revenue neutral rate. Football field/Track scope of work
    for accessibility scope of work.

  4. Board Committee Reports

    1. Keystone - the Board received a Keystone Learning update.

    2. Foundation - no meeting held.

    3. Curriculum Coordinating Council did not have a meeting.

      Discussion Items
            a.   The Board discussed that the review of District and Building Needs Assessment
                              would be at the next regular meeting.

8.       Action  Items 

  1. Motion by Aaron Sprang second by Kimberly Kirkham to approve District Fees for 2024-25 school year.

    Yes  5 No 0

  2. Motion by Kimberly Kirkham second by Jesica Clark to approve the 2024-25 Coaches handbook as presented.
    Yes   5 No 0

  3. Motion by Kimberly Kirkham second by Jesica Clark to approve June 2024 updated KASB policies as revised on 7/3/24 with the exceptions of GAAC, GARIA, JGEC and JGEAA.
    Yes   5 No 0

  4. Motion by Aaron Sprang second by Jesica Clark to approve the milk bid for the 2024-25 school year from Hiland as presented.
    Yes   5 No 0

    5.  Motion by Jesica Clark second by Aaron Sprang to approve the following  authorized signors on the Kendall Bank accounts:
    Elementary Activity Account:  Susan Grey, Brenda Lloyd, Dayna Lloyd, Cary Brosa and Linda Gantz.
    High School Activity Account:  Dayna Lloyd, Greg Morgan, Stacy Cervantez, Linda Gantz.
    Self-Funded Insurance Account:  Donny Smith, Dayna Lloyd and Cary Brosa.
    District General Account:  Donny Smith, Linda Gantz, Cary Brosa, and Dayna Lloyd.
    District Safe Deposit Authorized Personnel:  John Hamon, Linda Gantz and Dayna Lloyd

    Yes 5 No 0


The meeting was adjourned by the President at 7:32 P.M.

U.S.D. #338 Valley Falls
Board of Education Special Meeting

July 15, 2024
Unofficial Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President, Donny Smith, at 5:32 P.M. in
the District Office.

Members Present:
Kimberly Kirkham, Donny Smith by phone, Aaron Sprang, Caleb Clark, Jesica Clark by
phone, and Jami Heinen by phone.

Members Absent: 
Jesse Nickelson

Staff Present:
John Hamon and Dayna Lloyd

Visitors Present:

Motion by Jesica Clark, second by Kimberly Kirkham to approve the Agenda as presented.

Yes 6 No 0



5. Action  Items 

  1. Motion by Kimberly Kirkham second by Aaron Sprang to approve the Negotiated Agreement for 2024-25  which gives certified staff a
    $1,500 raise plus step movement.
    Yes  6 No 0

Motion by Kimberly Kirkham second by Aaron Sprange to approve the 2024-25 Classified handbook which gives all returning staff $1/hour raise and returning 12 month directors and 12 month office staff $1.50/hour raise.
Yes   6 No 0


The meeting was adjourned by the President at 5:36 P.M.

Previous Meetings