NEKL track meet today at JCN. Field events start at 3 pm, bus leaves at 1:30 pm. Let's go Dragons!
about 4 hours ago, Greg Morgan
Dragons win opener over Maranatha 9-1. Great win Dragons!
about 20 hours ago, Greg Morgan
The HS baseball game will start at 4:15pm at Maur Hill.
about 23 hours ago, Stacy Cervantez
Happy School Nurse Day to our awesome nurses Emily and Sandra! We appreciate everything you do for our students and staff!
1 day ago, John Hamon
Thank you to Linda Gantz for making cookies to recognize our staff during Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week!
1 day ago, Valley Falls USD 338
Happy Teacher and Staff Appreciation Day! Our staff enjoyed lunch on their special day!
2 days ago, John Hamon
Thanks to Topeka ER & Hospital and John Shipley for the yummy cookie tray for Teacher & Staff Appreciation Day!
2 days ago, Valley Falls USD 338
Congratulations to the students who participated in the VFW Auxiliary Illustrating America Art Contest. Linkyn and Mylie Merz were selected to move on to the State level. Congratulations!! Thank you Mrs Spencer for always finding ways to get our students involved!!
2 days ago, Susan Grey
state level competitors
VFW contest
THANK YOU to our awesome PTO for the trail mix bar today!
2 days ago, Valley Falls USD 338
We have rescheduled our JV baseball and softball games for Friday, May 10th. Baseball will start at 4pm and softball will start at 4:30pm.
2 days ago, Stacy Cervantez
The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Auxiliary presented two awards this morning as part of the National Illustrating America Art Contest for youth K-8. We had five local entries, with Linkyn (1st grade) and Mylie (5th grade) winning gift cards for their entries that won at the local and district levels. Hoping for great results as they enter the state competition!
2 days ago, Linda Gantz
Ardith Todd w/Mylie and Linkyn
Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge of Allegiance 2
Baseball and Softball games have started early. Trying to get them in before the rain!!
3 days ago, Stacy Cervantez
HS Baseball/Softball Update: Games at home vs. Troy have been pushed up to a 4pm start today. If there are any changes we will keep you posted.
3 days ago, Stacy Cervantez
Congrats to Peyton Lockhart who represented VFHS at the Governor's Scholar banquet today at Washburn.
4 days ago, Greg Morgan
Governor’s Banquet
The Regional Baseball Bracket has been released. The Dragons who are the 2 seed, will take on Maranatha Christian Academy on Wednesday, May 8th at Maur Hill In Atchison at 4pm. Adult admission is $8, student admission is $6. Come out and support your Dragons. Go Dragons!!
5 days ago, Stacy Cervantez
Happy School Lunch Hero Day to Betty Smith, Cindy Morrow, and Kelly Hattemer! We appreciate everything you do for our staff and students!
6 days ago, John Hamon
7 days ago, Linda Gantz
Meal Workers
Last but not least...The Great Hoff gets the great mix of it all!
7 days ago, Linda Gantz
Wyatt gets the pan!
REady to throw
Oh my!
Taking it like a champ!
Excitement with pies and brave volunteers!
7 days ago, Linda Gantz
Deb is ready for pie!
Rod is prepared for pie!
Rod gets pie!
3 ready for pie!
3 Teachers get it!
Margo daring them!
Morgan and Pie
Observing fun
More pics from today.
7 days ago, Linda Gantz
Awards 4
Awards 5
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Awards 8
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Awards 9
Awards 9